About Us

A Bumiputra company established in 2021 by a group of highly experienced homegrown. We start up with the Finance and Account and expand to Human Resource, Audit, Taxation and Company Secretary in 2022. Our effort to remain as the Malaysia leading corporate consultant toward digitalization.

We understand the challenges and hurdles of starting a business and setting up a company in Malaysia, we are pleased to support your business with all information about how to set up a company. Nothing is happier than knowing we are able to help SME in facing all the difficulties during their start-ups, register a new company and grow together with them.

Our deep passion and continued commitment not just for income but to assist after the pandemic which equivalent to our goal is “Our Client is Our Commitment”. We offer our customers a comprehensive and costeffective end-to-end one-stop solution services.

Our Vision
To Revolutionise the Modern Outsourcing Landscape and investment perspective in Malaysia

Our Mission
To convene, curate and cover the most influential leaders and entrepreneurs who are driving change, transforming business and making a significant impact on the world

Core Values

Support each other and promote collaboration
Support each other and promote collaboration
Strive to perform exceptional, outstanding innovative,ethical and quality service
Emphasize personal integrity, ethics, responsibility and accountability
Our commitment to quality and responsible for our words, our actions and our results.

Voices From The Founder

Tuan Adam, the founder has vast experience in HR, Accounts and Administration of property management covering both commercial and residential buildings. As such he is very familiar with the guidelines of Strata Management Act 2013.

He is on a mission to share and encourage business model transformation as the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the financial and economic landscape in Malaysia. The business operating conditions are very constrained as such demands for outsourcing is on the rise. Advantages of outsourcing include reducing operating, labour and overhead cost while allowing companies to focus on their core competencies.

Ai Ahad Sdn Bhd welcome collaborative office workplace by helping clients improve their competitive advantages thru outsourcing and building a win-win meaningful partnerships.

Head Office
23A-3, Binjai Premium Soho Lorong Binjai, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
© 2024 AiAHAD. All rights reserved.